This critical edition of Siddhanta Dipa is being published in the memory of Late Sri Goda Venkateswara Sastri. With the grace of Guru, we, the disciples of Sri Goda Sastry are happy to publish this book Siddhanta Dipa and present it to the students and followers of Advaita.
This study represents the thesis for which was awarded the post graduate research degree, Vidya Varidhi,by Rashtriya Samskrita Samstan. Siddhanta Dipa is a commentary on Samkshepa Shariraka, an invaluable treatise in the field Advaita of the post Sankara period. The large number of commentaries listing on the Samkshepa Shariraka speak for the greatness of it. The author
Sarvagnaatma Muni is held in great respect by the Advaita Acharyas who came after him.
The Siddhanta Dipa is a commentary by Vishwaveda on the Samkshepa Shariraka. The authoritativeness of this commentary is established by the fact that Madhusudhana Saraswati of worldwide fame and a host of commentators on the Samkshepa Shariraka have largely borrowed from the Siddhanta Dipa. In the elucidation of the doctrines of Samkshepa Shariraka,
the Siddhanta Dipa has no parallel. This is written in an easy flowing and attractive style and it creates an absorbing interest in the mind of the reader. It is now critically edited for the first time and placed before the world of scholars.
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